If Ruby on Rails is all about optimizing the development of web applications, then what would happen if you optimized Rails?
Well, it would get streamlined. Streamlined is a generator for Rails that can be used to easily create sites that are much better looking and much easier to use than the standard scaffold generated views. Even if you wouldn't want to use it to create the full site, it might be useful to generate an administrative section that would have a much more limited audience.
The other interesting thing about Streamlined is that it does for views what Rails already has for the Model objects. In Rails Model objects, you can use a declarative syntax to decorate the object to define relationships and to override behavior. With Streamlined you can do the same thing with views. You don't have to edit HTML or rHTML templates, you can just decorate some generated classes to override the default behavior.
In the spirt of Rails, there's a great screencast available at the site showing off some of these really interesting features. Check it out...
(Thanks to the Milwaukee Ruby User's Group for showing the screencast.)